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Legislative amendment would allow delivery of alcoholic beverages from online retailers to consumers

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 5.7.2024 14.19
Press release

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is requesting comments on a government proposal that would allow the delivery of alcoholic beverages from domestic retail outlets directly to recipients. This proposal is part of the implementation of the Government Programme. Comments on the government proposal can be submitted between 5 July and 30 August 2024.

Selling or distributing alcoholic beverages to minors or heavily intoxicated persons would still be prohibited. When ordering alcoholic beverages online, buyers would be obligated to prove their age using strong electronic identification. The authorities would monitor compliance with age limits through test purchases.

With the proposal, fermented beverages containing up to 8 per cent alcohol and other beverages containing up to 5.5 per cent alcohol could be ordered from domestic retail outlets, while stronger beverages could be ordered from Alko. Alcoholic beverages ordered from retail outlets could be delivered to consumers between 9.00 and 21.00, while beverages ordered from Alko could be delivered within Alko's opening hours. Deliveries of alcoholic beverages from domestic retail outlets to recipients would be subject to a separate delivery licence. This new type of licence would be added to the Alcohol Act alongside retail sale and serving licences.  

“This is the next, still very moderate step towards easing alcohol regulation towards a European standard. Above all, it is about making everyday life easier. Given that people are increasingly doing their grocery shopping and ordering restaurant food through online delivery services, this change is a welcome deregulation measure. However, alcohol deliveries would be implemented responsibly. Deliveries would be subject to a licence and to monitoring. Delivering alcoholic beverages to minors or intoxicated people would not be permitted,” said Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen

The proposal implements the following entry in the Government Programme: online sales of alcohol and other retail sales concepts based on delivery and collection will also be allowed for Alko and other domestic operators that hold a retail trade licence, while ensuring age limit control.


Eemil Nuuttila, Special Adviser to the Minister of Social Security, tel. +358 50 525 8064

Mirka-Tuulia Kuoksa, Senior Ministerial Adviser, firstname.lastname(at)

Saara Karttunen, Senior Specialist, firstname.lastname(at)

Tuomas Pulkkinen, Coordinator, firstname.lastname(at)

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