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Updated division of responsibilities of Special Advisers to Minister Kiuru

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 23.8.2019 15.39 | Published in English on 27.8.2019 at 14.20
News item

Laura Lindeberg, Sampo Varjonen and Timo Lehtinen serve as Special Advisers to Krista Kiuru, Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services.

Eila Mäkipää serves as State Secretary to Minister Kiuru.

Laura Lindeberg is responsible for the affairs of the Ministerial Working Group on Health and Social Services as well as matters related to the health and social services reform, services for older people and an amendment of the Act on Care Services for Older Persons.

Lindberg has previously worked as senior specialist for Talentia Union of Professional Social Workers where she was in charge of professional ethics, professional questions relating to social welfare, and education policy. Lindeberg holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree.

Sampo Varjonen is responsible for Minister Kiuru’s affairs in the Ministerial Working Group on Promoting Employment, for matters related to the social security reform for the part of the Minister, as well as for matters related to social assistance.

Varjonen has previously worked as a social policy specialist for the Social Democratic Party’s parliamentary group. Varjonen holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences.

Timo Lehtinen is responsible for communications and media relations, affairs of the Ministerial Working Group on Child and Youth Policy and matters related to intoxicant abuse, gambling-related harms and mental health.

Lehtinen has earlier worked as head of public relations and director for SOSTE, Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health. Varjonen holds a Master of Social Sciences degree.

Eila Mäkipää has worked in Parliament as committee counsel, deputy secretary-general, parliamentary secretary and deputy parliamentary secretary. Mäkipää holds a Master of Laws degree and Bachelor of Administrative Sciences degree.


Laura Lindeberg, Special Adviser, tel. +358 2951 63109, [email protected]
Sampo Varjonen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 2951 63603, [email protected]
Timo Lehtinen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 2951 63387, [email protected]
Eila Mäkipää, State Secretary, tel. +358 2951 63632, [email protected]
Jaana Blomqvist, Secretary to Special Adviser Lindeberg, tel. +358 2951 63619, [email protected]
Minna Westerholm, Secretary to Special Advisers Varjonen and Lehtinen, tel. +358 2951 63336, [email protected]
Riikka Mononen, Secretary to State Secretary Mäkipää, tel. +358 2951 63531, [email protected]