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Legislative proposal to improve micromobility safety circulated for comments

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 24.9.2024 11.39 | Published in English on 25.9.2024 at 7.58
Press release
Electric scooters. (Image: LVM).

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on the draft government proposal for legislation on micromobility to improve the safety of electric scooters and other micromobility vehicles. The deadline for submitting comments is 1 November 2024.

The Programme of Prime Minister Orpo's Government states that legislation guiding the use of electric scooters and other micromobility will be drawn up during the government term. In addition, towns and municipalities will be provided with tools for managing micromobility.

Alcohol limit and micromobility licence granted by municipalities to have biggest impacts on road safety

The draft proposal includes several amendments to national legislation aimed at guiding and overseeing micromobility and significantly improving its road safety.

Key proposals:

  • 0.5 per mille limit for riding light electric vehicles and motorised bicycles
  • tool for municipalities: micromobility licence to guide and oversee service providers
  • increasing the traffic penalty fee for riders of non-motorised vehicles and introducing a traffic penalty fee for the structure, equipment or condition of vehicles
  • harmonising traffic rules.

According to the proposal, new national regulation would include a maximum permitted blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.5 per mille for riding light electric vehicles and motorised bicycles, and a micromobility licence that municipalities may grant to electric scooter operators, for example. In practice, professional rental of electric scooters or other micromobility vehicles would require a micromobility licence granted by the municipality. The licence conditions would also allow towns and municipalities guide and oversee the use and number of rental vehicles if this was necessary for road safety, accessibility or road maintenance.

Of the proposals, the alcohol limit and the micromobility licence are expected to have the biggest positive impacts on road safety.

Compliance with traffic rules, ability to control the vehicle and not drink or drug driving reduce risks of electric scooters

Several acts already apply to the use of electric scooters and other light electric vehicles. The Road Traffic Act, the Vehicles Act, the Consumer Protection Act, the Consumer Safety Act and, the most recent one, the Motor Liability Insurance Act are the key acts applying to micromobility service providers and service users. The same traffic rules apply to riding an electric scooter as to a bicycle. Riders must comply with traffic rules and signs. An electric scooter may be used on cycle paths or lanes and, in the absence of these, on the road or verge – but not on the pavement. 

Passengers may not be carried on an electric scooter or a light electric vehicle unless it has a passenger seat. The rider may not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, tired or in another similar condition that would weaken the ability to use the vehicle safely.

What’s next?

The deadline for submitting comments is 1 November 2024. All organisations and private individuals may submit comments at

Public officials will continue the law drafting after the consultation round. The changes are expected to take effect in summer 2025.


Sofia Johansson, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 342 090, [email protected]
Saara Reinimäki, Director of Unit, tel. +358 295 342 087, [email protected]