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Competitiveness Council discussed EU space, research and innovation programmes

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 29.11.2019 18.39 | Published in English on 29.11.2019 at 18.48
Press release
Photo: European union

EU ministers responsible for research and space convened in Brussels on Friday 29 November. The meeting was chaired by Minister for Economic Affairs Katri Kulmuni. The Competitiveness Council adopted conclusions on space solutions for a sustainable Arctic and the updated EU bioeconomy strategy and made progress in the preparation of EU research and innovation programmes.

Space economy contributes to sustainable growth

The Council adopted conclusions on how to ensure a sustainable Arctic. The conclusions stress the importance of the European space infrastructure for monitoring the Arctic environment and for Arctic transport and economic operations.

Ministers also discussed ways of fostering a sustainable space economy. The discussions underlined the growing importance of space for Europe’s competitiveness and sustainable development. Ministers also stressed the need for Europe to play a leading role internationally in promoting a responsible space economy.

Minister Kulmuni said: “Space technology, data and services create new business opportunities to support renewal and sustainable growth in other sectors.”

Preparations for Horizon Europe progressing

Ministers agreed on a partial general approach on a number of the recitals of the Horizon Europe regulation and on synergies between Horizon Europe and other EU programmes.

Minister Kulmuni said: “The Horizon Europe programme plays a key role in strengthening the EU’s competitiveness and transitioning to a climate-neutral and digital economy. This will speed up the utilisation of research results and innovations to contribute to sustainable growth.”

Ministers also discussed how the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and its Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) could promote European innovations and partnerships. The ministers agreed on a partial general approach concerning the draft regulation on the EIT. The discussion on the new Strategic Innovation Agenda for the EIT, which supplements the EIT regulation, will continue in December.

The discussions on the Euratom research programme for nuclear research and training will be continued next year under the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Updated EU bioeconomy strategy focuses on sustainable use of natural resources

The Council adopted conclusions on the updated EU bioeconomy strategy.

Minister Kulmuni said: “Bioeconomy supports industrial renewal, modernises primary production, reinforces environmental protection and strengthens biodiversity. The actions set out in the updated bioeconomy strategy will enhance the sustainable use of natural resources.”

Over lunch, ministers discussed the contribution of Horizon Europe to attracting private research and development investments to further support sustainable growth.

Jari Partanen, State Secretary to the Minister of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 40 591 1377
Nina Alatalo, Adviser to the Minister of Economic Affairs (EU and International Affairs), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 431 8015

Janne Känkänen, Director for EU and International Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 506 4200
Anniina Lehtonen, Communications Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 476 3736