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Minister Lintilä to make a virtual export promotion visit to China

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 31.5.2021 12.26
Press release
Elinkeinoministeri Mika Lintilä
Elinkeinoministeri Mika Lintilä

Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä will participate in a virtual Team Finland visit to China in June 2021. The aim is to strengthen relations between Finnish and Chinese companies, particularly within the low-carbon and circular economy, the bioeconomy and maritime industry.

The Minister of Economic Affairs will participate virtually in several events organised in China between 2 and 21 June, including an event of the Committee for Innovative Business Cooperation in Beijing and the Wood from Finland and Green and Smart Ships seminars in Shanghai. Dozens of Finnish and Chinese companies will attend the events. 

The coronavirus pandemic has caused changes to the business environment of companies. For example, the movement of people and goods has been restricted, which has made export promotion more difficult.  The activities of the Team Finland network support the internationalisation of Finnish companies in a challenging situation, both in the target market and online.

Team Finland is a network of public sector operators providing internationalisation services to Finnish companies.

Nina Alatalo, Adviser to the Minister (EU and international affairs), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7171
Riikka Astala, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7057 
Mikko Puustinen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7144