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Minister of Employment Haatainen at the ILO Labour Conference: Cooperation needed to stop inequality in labour markets

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 15.6.2021 14.59
Press release
Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen
Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen

Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen spoke about the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on working life at the plenary session of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) International Labour Conference on 15 June 2021. Haatainen emphasised the importance of tripartite cooperation during crises such as the coronavirus epidemic.

“Some ongoing trends in the global labour market are truly worrisome, including the increased use of forced labour and child labour. In addition, there have been infringements of people’s freedom of association and collective bargaining. We must put a stop to these negative developments together and create a fair and equal labour market for all,” Haatainen said in her speech delivered online. 

One of the conference’s key objectives is to issue a joint declaration on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on working life.

Global challenges in social security and compliance with ILO conventions on the agenda

The International Labour Conference is the highest decision-making body of the ILO and it meets once a year. The International Labour Conference 2021 will be organised mainly online and therefore exceptionally in two parts.

In the first part to be held on 3–19 June 2021, the Conference will address current challenges to social security and compliance with ILO conventions in the Member States. The second part of the Conference in November–December will focus on inequality at work as well as skills and lifelong learning.

The tripartite structure of the ILO means that workers, employers and governments all participate equally in the organisation’s work. Finland’s delegation also includes representatives of the Government, employers and employees.

Jenni Karjalainen, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, tel. +358 40 751 5496 (questions to the Minister) 
Liisa Heinonen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 4131