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Agreements decreased annual energy use by 5.2 TWh in 2017-2018

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 3.2.2020 9.36 | Published in English on 12.2.2020 at 8.53
Press release

Hundreds of Finnish companies and municipalities that have joined voluntary energy efficiency agreements have improved their annual energy use by a total of 5.2 terawatt hours in 2017-2018. The substantial savings are equal to the annual energy use of 255,000 electrically heated single-family houses.

Savings were attained when the more than 550 companies and nearly 100 municipalities and joint municipalities that have joined energy efficiency agreements have carried out over a total of 7,500 individual energy efficiency measures and invested more than EUR 380 million in energy efficiency over two years. The implemented measures will reduce the annual energy costs of participants companies and municipalities by an estimated EUR 215 millions.

A reduction of more than one million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year

Efficient and appropriate energy use reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Energy efficiency measures implemented between 2017 and 2018 reduced annual CO2 emissions by approximately 1.2 million tonnes.

The energy efficiency investments of the energy efficiency agreement participants will be accelerated with state support. In 2017-2018, a total of EUR 37.9 millions was granted for the energy efficiency investments of the agreement participants. Support was granted to 346 projects. Aid can only be granted on a discretionary basis for investments that would not otherwise be realised.

Guidance and advice for customers

In addition to their own energy use activities, energy and oil sector companies that have entered into energy efficiency agreements are committed to advising their customers on the more efficient use of energy. The provision of advice to energy users is assessed to lead to an additional annual savings of approximately 1 TWh, which is equal to the annual energy use of approximately 50 000 electrically heated single-family houses.

The annual data reported by those who have entered into an energy efficiency agreement have been compiled into electronic results summaries at Summaries of the results (only in Finnish) of measures carried out in 2017-2018 can be examined and limited according to one’s own interest. In addition, you can view the entire results achieved through contract activities or the results of an individual agreement, action plan or specific sector online. The key results have been summarised as infographics.

What are energy efficiency agreements? Energy Efficiency Agreements are an important part of Finland's Energy and Climate Strategy and the primary means for promoting efficient use of energy in Finland. Energy Efficiency Agreements cover more than 60% of Finland's total energy use. More than 550 companies with their thousands of office facilities and nearly 100 municipalities and joint municipalities have committed to the energy efficiency objectives set in these agreements. The current contract period will be valid until 2025.


Tiina Sekki, Senior Engineer, Energy Authority, tel. + 358 29 505 0200 (Energy Efficiency Agreements, results)
Ulla Suomi, Director, Motiva, tel. + 358 40 733 9972 (monitoring and impacts)
Timo Ritonummi, Industrial Counsellor, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 592 2103 (energy efficiency and the EU)