Finland launches the 2024 European Heritage Days with a social media campaign – take part and share your favourite destinations

The annual theme of the European Heritage Days 2024 leads to fascinating routes and interesting networks. Finland will start celebrating the European Heritage Days already in February with the campaign Enchanting Routes. Come along and share your stories along your favorite routes.
Our environment is built on routes and pathways created at different times. They enable the movement of people, goods, skills, knowledge and ideas. Old and new routes connect communities.
The campaign Enchanting Routes presents interesting sites along different cultural routes and networks on Facebook and Instagram.
Everyone can share their favorite routes and heritage sites along them by using the hashtag #EnchantingRoutes, #ReittienLumoa and #EuropeanHeritageDays.
The campaign in Finland is carried out by the Ministry of the Environment, the Finnish Heritage Agency and the Finnish Local Heritage Federation in cooperation with the route communities.
Additional information
Anni Alho
the Finnish Heritage Agency
[email protected]
Hanna Hämäläinen
Ministry of the Environment
[email protected]
Jonina Vaahtolammi
Finnish Local Heritage Federation
[email protected]