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Krista Kiuru appointed Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 6.10.2022 14.04 | Published in English on 7.10.2022 at 10.56
Press release
Kuvassa ministeri Krista Kiuru istuu valtioneuvoston istuntosalissa. Hänen vieressään istuu rivissä muita ministereitä.

On Thursday 6 October, the President of the Republic reappointed Member of Parliament Krista Kiuru, Master of Social Sciences, to serve as a member of the Government and as Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services.

On the same occasion, the President of the Republic released Member of Parliament Aki Lindén, Licentiate of Medicine and Master of Social Sciences, from his duties as Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services and as a member of the Government. 

Krista Kiuru is returning to her post from parental leave.

Following the presidential session, the Government plenary session made decisions on changes to the ministerial portfolios, deputising arrangements and the composition of ministerial working groups. 

In the same session, the Government appointed Eila Mäkipää to continue in her post as State Secretary.

Inquiries: Päivi Paasikoski, Director of Government Communications, Prime Minister's Office, tel. +358 40 5476 279, [email protected]