Minister of Science and Culture Antti Kurvinen launches cultural reconstruction work

The Ministry of Education and Culture is seeking to boost reconstruction of the cultural sector. Investment in elevating culture and the creative industries and work to underline their social and economic importance are part of Finland’s sustainable growth programme and other initiatives. The Government is also prepared to capitalise a planned cultural and creative industries fund for Finland. The groundwork for future prospects will be laid out in a working group and in projects subsidised by the Ministry.
“The artistic and cultural sector needs to be elevated, with its expertise and significant potential applied more widely in society. We are keen to find solutions to the challenges of this sector, and to support implementation of good measures,” explains Minister of Science and Culture Antti Kurvinen.
“While the coronavirus era has been a challenging time for culture, it has also vividly highlighted the economic impact of the sector and its importance to human wellbeing. Rebuilding the sector is accordingly our common undertaking.”
To support preparations, the Ministry of Education and Culture will appoint a working group that is expected to submit proposals on ways of reinforcing the artistic and cultural sector and supporting its recovery. The working group will also address the need to target funding in the field of culture that is included in the EU recovery and adaptation package, to establish a fund for culture and the creative industries, and to reinforce the funding base for culture and the arts for the term of the next government.
The members of the working group will represent the operating field and industries of art and culture. The working group will be chaired by State Secretary Tuomo Puumala (Ministry of Education and Culture), with Director General Riitta Kaivosoja (Ministry of Education and Culture) serving as vice-chairperson. The members of the working group will be Finnish Film Foundation Chair Anne Brunila, Director and Screenwriter Pauliina Feodoroff, State Secretary Jukka Ihanus (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment), Chair of the Central Arts Council and author Juha Itkonen, artist and cultural entrepreneur Sari Kaasinen, musician Mikko Kosonen, actor and Artistic Director Jarkko Lahti, Chair of the Artists’ Association of Finland and visual artist Teemu Mäki, dancer Julian Owusu, MES Finland Executive Director Tommi Saarikivi, Senior Adviser Johanna Selkee (Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities), Managing Director Liisa Suvikumpu (Association of Finnish Foundations), Chair of Event Industries Finland Pekka Timonen and Executive Director of the Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras Helena Värri. Secretary General of the Kulta federation of Finnish culture and arts associations Rosa Meriläinen and Rector of University of the Arts Helsinki Kaarlo Hildén will serve as permanent specialists on the working group.
Projects subsidised by the Ministry of Education and Culture seek solutions to the challenges of the cultural sector
Two projects will also be launched with the support of the Ministry to review the outlook for the cultural sector and formulate solutions to its challenges. Implementation of these projects will be the responsibility of University of the Arts Helsinki and the Kulta federation, and their findings will be published in early 2022. The working group on the future of the cultural sector will serve as a steering group for the projects.
In support of its strategy, University of the Arts Helsinki is launching an art sector reconstruction programme that will support regeneration of the art sector, RDI activities, provision of lifelong learning, and growth of employment in the sector.
The Kulta federation project will focus on promoting the availability and accessibility of culture and art, and on the employment and livelihood of operators in the field. The key question concerns how the structures of art and culture can be reinforced in order for the industry to develop and flourish. The Kulta federation is organising extensive regional cultural encounters in support of its work.
The Cupore Centre for Cultural Policy Research will support the projects with research findings on the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. This work will also apply feedback from a Ministry of Education and Culture coronavirus survey conducted for the sector in early 2021.
Tuomo Puumala, State Secretary, tel. +358 29 516 1002, Ministry of Education and Culture
Riitta Kaivosoja, Director General, tel. +358 29 533 0129, Ministry of Education and Culture
Esa Pirnes, Counsellor for Cultural Affairs, tel. +358 29 533 0259, Ministry of Education and Culture