Government resolution directs prevention and combating of violent radicalisation and extremism

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 11.7.2024 13.47
Type:Press release

On Thursday 11 July, the Government issued a resolution on the Action Plan for the Prevention and Combating of Violent Radicalisation and Violent Extremism.

The action plan sets out the key measures which Finland will take to prevent and counter violent radicalisation and violent extremism. The update of the action plan was included in the current Government Programme.

Targeting all forms of violent extremism, the prevention and combating of violent radicalisation and violent extremism are an important part of counterterrorism.

The action plan lists 43 measures, which are divided into national-level, regional-level and local-level activities and individual-level work.

Violent radicalisation means a process by which people come to think of violence as an acceptable means to achieve their ideological goals. Violent extremism means ideologically inspired use, threat, encouragement or support of violence.

Action plan draws on extensive cooperation

The action plan aims to address and prevent violent radicalisation and violent extremism as early as possible. However, in situations where prevention measures are no longer sufficient, the means of countering radicalisation and extremism become important.

In addition to forming a national situation picture, it is important to monitor and assess any repercussions of international events on Finland. The measures seek to both address the current situation and anticipate changes in the phenomena surrounding violent extremism. For example, the action plan will improve the cooperation to identify the impacts of developing technologies. 

The Ministry of the Interior coordinates the national efforts to prevent and combat violent radicalisation and violent extremism. The action plan implementation is based on extensive cooperation between the parties.

Jenni Raitanen, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 689, [email protected] (available on 11 July 2024)