Qualifications for military posts in the Border Guard for those with dual citizenship to be specified as of 1 July

In future, appointments to military posts in the Border Guard will require candidates not to hold such citizenship of or other ties to a foreign country, as referred to in the Security Clearance Act, that could constitute a danger to the security of the State, general security, national defence or Finland’s international relations, or to the security of duty in the Border Guard.
Similar eligibility criteria will also apply to persons who are undergoing training to become an officer or who have been admitted to the basic course for border guards. The relevant legislative amendments will enter into force on 1 July 2019.
Regarding a candidate’s reliability and trustworthiness, it is essential to assess if their ties to another country would put them in such a position that they may be inappropriately influenced.
Ties to foreign countries must also be considered from the point of view of the candidate's own status and protection. Candidates may be faced with a conflict of interests, if they or their loved ones are threatened or if they become otherwise pressured into acting contrary to their official duties.
Ari-Pekka Koivisto, Chief of Division, Border Guard, tel. +358 295 412 161