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‘Growth and jobs’ outlook review examines challenges and solutions for the next government term

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 21.12.2022 16.07 | Published in English on 21.12.2022 at 16.12
News item

During this autumn, officials at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment have assessed the premises for the upcoming government term. Their outlook review ‘Growth and jobs’ complements and elaborates on the themes and views that the Ministry has highlighted earlier, for example in the Government futures review.

The operating environment in the coming government term will be exceptionally difficult. Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine and its effects on the energy supply, risks related to Chinese politics, the rise of protectionism and a significantly weaker economic outlook create a difficult backdrop for Finland and Europe over the next few years. 

In their outlook review ‘Growth and jobs’, officials of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment discuss the challenges facing their branch of government and the options for resolving them. The outlook review was adopted at the meeting of leading management on 12 December. The Ministry’s departments and units wrote the review in collaboration with each other.

Matti Hirvola, Director of Communications, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 052