Amendments to Chemicals Safety Act, Mining Act and Nuclear Energy Act

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 22.12.2021 12.00
Type:News item
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The Act on the Safe Handling and Storage of Dangerous Chemicals and Explosives, the Mining Act and the Nuclear Energy Act will be amended as of 31 December 2021. The legislative amendments will complement the implementation of EU legislation in national legislation.

On 22 December 2021, the President of the Republic approved legislative amendments to the Act on the Safe Handling and Storage of Dangerous Chemicals and Explosives, the Mining Act and the Nuclear Energy Act. 

The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) grants permits for the industrial handling of dangerous chemicals and the manufacturing and storage of explosives. The Act already lays down the right of the parties to request an administrative review regarding the permits granted by Tukes. As per the amendment, regional associations and foundations defined in the Act will also obtain this right.  

Other amendments have also been made to the Chemicals Safety Act, for example to the provisions on notifications, to supplement national legislation as a result of an official notice issued by the Commission. The Act also includes updated references to other acts.

Obligations of permit authorities specified in projects concerning international consultation

A reference to the international consultation procedure laid down in the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure, which applies to cross-border environmental impact assessment projects, will be added to the Chemicals Safety Act, the Nuclear Energy Act and the Mining Act.

Tarja Virkkunen, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. + 358 29 504 8252