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Preparations begin to set an income limit for a residence permit for employed persons

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 5.9.2023 9.03
Press release

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has begun preparations to amend laws relating to income limits for work-based residence permits. Simultaneously, the Ministry will examine the appropriate levels and impacts of income limits.

An income limit of EUR 1,600 would be set for the residence permit for an employed person, in accordance with Prime Minister Orpo’s Government Programme. In order to increase transparency, a government decree would lay down the income limits for work-based permits in future.

“The Government promotes immigration and the factors that help Finland attract and retain foreign labour in many ways. At the same time, we must ensure that the people coming to work in Finland receive a salary that supports them. This will also help combat labour exploitation,” says Minister of Employment Arto Satonen.

According to preliminary estimates, the income limit of EUR 1,600 would primarily affect some part-time employees whose income would fall below it. The estimated impact of the change on the number of immigrants will become available as preparations progress.

The Government is scheduled to submit the proposal for public consultation in autumn 2023. The proposal would be submitted to Parliament in early spring 2024 and the amendments would enter into force during 2024.

Study to provide information on the impact on labour availability

As per the Government Programme, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has also launched a study on the appropriate level and effects of the income limits for work-based permits. 

In addition to the residence permit for an employed person, the study will examine the permits for professionals and other work-based permits. Data will be collected especially on the effect of income limits on the availability of labour. The results of the study can be used to determine income limits in the future.

The study should be completed in early 2024. 

Veera Svahn, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, tel. +358 295 047 321
Ariann Grandell, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 047 236 (legislative amendments)
Antti Kaihovaara, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 047 125 (study)