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Advisory Board for International Human Rights begins new term of office

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 22.4.2024 10.31
News item

The Advisory Board for International Human Rights (IONK) began a new term of office at the start of 2024. Appointed for 2024–2027, the IONK monitors the implementation of Finland's international human rights policy and may issue recommendations on it.

Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen met with the new Advisory Board for International Human Rights 12 April 2024.

The IONK is an independent expert body operating in conjunction with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. It consists of representatives of the parliamentary parties, other representative bodies and civil society organisations. The members of the IONK were appointed by government decision last October.

“We must look for solutions to global challenges together, also regarding human rights. Bringing about change requires that we also discuss with those outside of our bubble. I hope and believe that this Advisory Board will provide a valuable opportunity to exchange views and best practices on how Finland can continue to promote human rights worldwide,” Minister for Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen said during her visit to the IONK meeting on 12 April.

During the current term, the IONK is chaired by Member of Parliament Sara Seppänen (Finns Party). Master of Laws Atik Ali (the interreligious association USKOT-foorumi) and Member of Parliament Elisa Gebhard (Social Democratic Party) were elected as vice-chairs.

“Human rights are not in a permanent state nor can they be taken for granted. The work on human rights needs to be continuous,” Seppänen says.

Human rights lay the foundation for Finland’s foreign and security policy, and the IONK considers a wide range of issues. Finland actively promotes human rights both in bilateral relations and in the EU, the UN, the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

In 2022–2024, Finland is a member of the UN Human Rights Council, which is the most important intergovernmental body promoting and protecting human rights. OSCE Chairmanship in 2025 will be another opportunity for Finland to strengthen a rules-based world order.

The IONK has been operating in various forms since the 1980s. The previous IONK, appointed in 2020, ended its term at the end of 2023.