Call for government grant applications for Finnish CSO’s development cooperation programmes 2026–2029

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 20.1.2025 11.04 | Published in English on 20.1.2025 at 11.10
Type:News item

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs will open a call for applications for programme-based support available for Finnish civil society organisations (CSOs). In this application round, Finnish CSOs may apply for discretionary government grants for development cooperation programmes and humanitarian assistance included in the programmes for the period 2026–2029. Applications will be accepted from 20 January to 28 February 2025.

Programme-based support for Finnish civil society organisations (CSOs) is awarded from the development cooperation appropriations for Finnish CSOs’ development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, and it contributes to achieving Finland’s foreign and security policy objectives. Programme-based support promotes the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and improves the prerequisites for sustainable societal development: a well-functioning democracy, the rule of law, human rights and a vibrant civil society. Finnish CSOs use the support to strengthen active and diverse civil societies in the developing countries in the long term.

For programmes to be eligible for support, they must be in line with Finland’s foreign and security policy and the Report on International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation. CSOs whose operations rely on programme-based support must possess solid knowledge of results-based management, monitoring and evaluation of the results and impacts, and risk management. The Ministry will assess the applicants and programme proposals based on the minimum requirements, qualitative criteria and an overall consideration specified in the call for applications.

The funds to be allocated in the call for 2026–2029 are estimated at a maximum of EUR 320 million (up to EUR 80 million/year).

Support for humanitarian assistance in emergencies

From 2026 onwards, programme-based support can also be granted for humanitarian aid by Finnish CSOs that have a partnership status with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).

Finnish humanitarian action is based on international humanitarian law, international human rights lawand refugee law, and on the UN-endorsed humanitarian principles, which are humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.

CSOs’ programmes may also support various nexus activities, which interlink the prevention of crises, development cooperation, peace process and humanitarian assistance to ensure effectiveness.

Programme-based support and the call for applications are the responsibility of the Foreign Ministry’s Unit for Civil Society.

Applications must be submitted in the service. To submit an application, you must have a mandate to act on behalf of your organisation. Mandates are granted in the e-Authorizations service.

Applications must be submitted by 28 February at 16.15. Applications arriving late will not be considered.

Applicants may submit questions concerning the call for applications to the Unit for Civil Society by sending email to [email protected]. Enter ‘Call for applications for programme-based support’ in the subject field. Answers to the questions sent by 31 January 2025 will be published on the website for programme-based support by 7 February 2025. Questions sent by 14 February 2025 will be answered by 21 February 2025.