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Comments invited on amendments to Spectrum Decree

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 3.2.2021 11.35
Press release

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on draft amendments to the Government Decree on Radio Spectrum Usage and Frequency Allocation Plan (Spectrum Decree) by 24 February 2021. In part, the process is related to the amendments to the Act on Electronic Communication Services.

In the Spectrum Decree, provisions would be laid down to allocate the frequency bands 2300-2320 MHz and 24.25-25.1 GHz for the provision of minor local network service in the mobile communications network. The user rights for the frequency bands are granted by the Transport and Communications Agency.

The 1.5 GHz frequency band would be allocated in future for dynamic shared use of wireless broadband and radio equipment meant for military defence. The constantly increasing volumes of telecommunications in wireless networks call for more effective use of frequencies. The effectiveness may be enhanced by dynamic shared use, for example, that allows the same frequency band to be used for several purposes. The band is available for use when the primary frequency user does not need it at a certain time or in a certain geographical area.

Next steps

The deadline for comments on the draft decree is 24 February 2021. They can be submitted online at After the consultation stage, the preparations will continue by public officials.


Kaisa Laitinen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 40 772 7643, [email protected], Twitter @kaisa_laitinen Taajuusasetuksen muuttaminen