Take part in the discussion on the development of Europe
Conference on the Future of Europe now underway

Government Communications Department
Publication date 10.5.2021 16.17
Type:Press release 302/2021

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique and topical opportunity to discuss Europe’s challenges and objectives. Wherever you come from and whatever you do, the conference provides an opportunity to reflect on what kind of future you want for the European Union.

The purpose of the conference is hear the views of citizens on the future challenges and opportunities of the EU. This will be done by organising a wide range of “bottom-up” events at the EU, national, regional and local levels, including using digital participation tools.

The conference launch event took place on Europe Day, 9 May, in Strasbourg. Due to the pandemic, it was held partially online. Attendees at the launch event included French President Emmanuel Macron, President of the European Parliament David Sassoli, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Prime Minister António Costa of Portugal, which currently holds the EU Council Presidency. 

The aim is for civil society to participate actively in the conference and to organise various events. Information on conference events will be collected on the Commission’s multilingual digital platform. Citizens can also use the digital platform to share their thoughts and submit their proposals. 

“We should also use this opportunity to highlight Finnish grassroots views at the EU level. By taking an active part in the debate, we can make sure that the Finnish mental landscape is reflected in the final conclusions of the conference,” says Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering Tytti Tuppurainen.

The conference is expected to present its conclusions by spring 2022. The European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission are all committed to listening to Europeans and to following up on the conclusions reached, within their spheres of competence and within the framework of EU Treaties.

Inquiries: Heli Siivola, Senior Specialist for EU Affairs, tel. +358 295 160 476, Prime Minister’s Office