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Discretionary government grants for CSOs’ Europe information awarded for 2023

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 8.2.2023 11.00
Press release

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has awarded EUR 445,000 in discretionary government grants to civil society organisations (CSOs) for their Europe information purposes. In this application round, grants were awarded to 22 CSOs and 24 projects.

The purpose of the discretionary government grants for CSOs’ Europe information is to promote discussion about topical EU matters and to improve people’s basic knowledge of matters related to the European Union and to Finland’s EU membership. CSOs play an important role in enhancing general knowledge and understanding of the EU and in promoting related discussion in the country. 

The following priorities were emphasised in the application round for 2023:

  • The EU as a human rights actor and a promoter of democracy
  • Direction of the EU’s economic and energy policy
  • The EU as a global actor: Common Foreign and Security Policy and the EU’s role in conflict resolution
  • The EU’s enlargement

In the application round, particular stress was placed on aspects related to projects’ communicative elements. The projects must convey the intended information and be available to everyone free of charge. The amount of discretionary government grants per project ranges between EUR 15,000 and EUR 35,000.

By the due date, 31 CSOs had submitted applications for 39 Europe information projects. Discretionary government grants were awarded to 22 CSOs for 24 projects. The one-year funding should be used for dissemination of information in Finland. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs awarded discretionary government grants to the following CSOs based on their applications:

  • CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation
  • Creatura Think & Do Tank
  • Pro Ethical Trade Finland (Eetti)
  • European Movement in Finland
  • JEF Finland
  • European Youth Parliament Finland
  • Finnwatch
  • KIOS Foundation
  • Kansallinen senioriliitto
  • Finnish Association of the Deaf
  • Finnish Society for Nature and Environment
  • Youth Academy
  • SaferGlobe Finland
  • Finnish National Youth Council Allianssi
  • Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences - SAMOK
  • Peace Union of Finland
  • Committee of 100 in Finland
  • Finnish YouTube Content Creators
  • UN Association of Finland
  • Valo-Valmennusyhdistys
  • Vamlas Foundation
  • Vapaus valita toisin


  • Sara Haalahti, Communications Officer, tel. + 358 295 350 089
  • The email addresses of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs are in the format [email protected].