Discretionary government grants to civil society organisations operating in the field of foreign and security policy, awarded for 2021

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 22.2.2021 12.15
Type:Press release

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has granted EUR 1 026 000 in discretionary government grants to 14 civil society organisations (CSOs) operating in the field of foreign and security policy.

The support is granted from 2021 Budget item 24.90.50 (Certain government grants) and it is meant for CSOs’ activities that are related to Finland's foreign and security policy and international commitments.

In the call for government grant applications for 2021, special emphasis was laid on rules-based international cooperation; prevention of conflicts; crisis management and mediation; human rights and human security; the European Union as a global actor; comprehensive transatlantic cooperation; and security threats related to climate change.

This is the fifth year when discretionary government grants are awarded based on an open application procedure.

By the due date, 18 CSOs had submitted their applications to the Ministry. The amounts applied ranged between EUR 20,000 and EUR 380,000.

This year, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs awarded discretionary government grants to the following CSOs:

  • Crisis Management Initiative (CMI)
  • European Movement in Finland
  • Finnwatch
  • Historians without Borders in Finland
  • Finnish League for Human Rights
  • Wider Security Network (WISE)
  • Sámi Council
  • SaferGlobe Finland
  • Atlantic Council of Finland
  • Finnish Red Cross
  • Committee of 100 in Finland
  • UN Association of Finland
  • World Federation of the Deaf
  • Åland Islands Peace Institute


The awarded grants are general grants for the CSOs' activities in 2021. Discretionary government grants are awarded for one year at a time.

Inquiries: Elina Karlsson, Desk Officer, tel. + 358 295 35 0607, Unit for Security Policy and Crisis Management, Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

The Foreign Ministry’s email addresses are in the format [email protected].