Finland’s National Implementation Plan for the UN Decade of Ocean Science aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Government Communications Department
Publication date 7.6.2022 14.52
Press release 376/2022

Finland will publish its National Implementation Plan for the UN Decade of Ocean Research on Wednesday 8 June 2022. The main objective is to support the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 14, which is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

In 2017, the UN General Assembly decided that 2021–2023 would be the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Finland’s national implementation plan is in line with the priorities of the global implementation plan. The objective is to achieve clean, healthy and productive oceans and seas by the end of the decade.

A further objective is that society will understand the characteristics of the ocean and be able to respond to changes in marine environments and protect itself from ocean-related hazards. In addition, the plan aims to ensure that society understands the value of marine ecosystems and oceans and that marine knowledge is more extensively integrated into decision-making. Everyone should have equitable access to marine observations, knowledge and technology.

The implementation plan proposes several key measures, including establishing a separate Baltic Sea Panel in Finland, updating Finland’s national strategy for maritime research and setting up an innovation platform for sustainable marine production in Finland, where sector operators, researchers and administrators can interact. The plan also seeks to strengthen the use of digital information management and to create a digital twin of the Baltic Sea by developing modelling systems simulating the Baltic Sea environment as a whole. An important part of the objectives is the ocean literacy action plan, which aims to increase awareness and understanding of the oceans and seas.

The implementation of the Decade of Ocean Science is based on the Government Resolution on Finland’s Maritime Policy Guidelines of 2019 and the Government Resolution on Finland’s Maritime Policy Action Plan of 2022. The implementation plan was prepared by the steering group for the Decade of Ocean Science appointed by the Prime Minister’s Office on 2 June 2021. The task of the steering group was to draw up a proposal for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Finland and to coordinate its implementation.

Finland’s National Implementation Plan for the UN Decade of Ocean Science will be published on 8 June at 13.00 at an event at the auditorium of the National Museum (Mannerheimintie 34, Helsinki). Anyone interested is welcome to attend the event in person or watch it live online.

Inquiries: Jussi Soramäki, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 40 754 1898, Prime Minister’s Office