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Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the education sector event Educa

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 21.1.2020 12.30
News item

Educa, the leading teaching and education sector event in the Nordic countries, will be held at Messukeskus Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre on Friday and Saturday 24–25 January. Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto will attend the programme produced by Europe Information on Saturday 24 January.

At its stand 6n50, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will provide information and materials on topical matters for use by teachers. During the event, Europe Information will publish the Swedish-language version of the book on basic facts about the EU (EU basfakte). Other publications of Europe Information on various EU-related themes are also available at the stand.

Development Communications will present new materials for global education that will support the organisation of a theme event on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Teacher’s Guide to the 2030 Agenda theme event is available online, and the printed version of the guide will be handed out at the Educa event.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto will visit the stand of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on Saturday at about 16.00.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Tulevaisuuden luokkahuone (Future Classroom) stage

Saturday at 15–15.20 Newly published Teacher’s Guide to the 2030 Agenda theme event

Director for Development Communications Erja-Outi Heino and Director of the Peace Education Institute Riikka Jalonen will present new materials to be used for global education. The new guide provides a lot of different kinds of exercises and videos to support teachers when dealing with the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals. The guide is intended for comprehensive school education.

Saturday at 15.30–15.55 Facts or fiction about the EU?

Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto and Eero Kitunen, Chair of the Association for Teachers of History and Social Studies in Finland, will discuss the role of non-fiction and scientific literature, schools and teachers in the era of clickbaits, fake news and opinion shaping, as well as Finland’s EU policy after the Presidency of the Council of the EU in the latter half of 2019. 

The event can also be followed on Europe Information’s social media accounts.