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Minna Kivimäki appointed Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Communications

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 22.4.2021 14.00
Press release

On 22 April 2021, the Government appointed Minna Kivimäki, Master of Laws, as Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Since 2016, Kivimäki has worked as Deputy Permanent Representative and Coreper 1 representative at the Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU. Prior to this, she worked at the Ministry of Transport and Communications as Director General of the Transport Policy Department and of the Services Department, and as Director of the Transport Services Unit.

"I'm happy to return to a familiar place and work in a new role to promote the functioning of society and the economy as well as to contribute to the smooth running of people's everyday lives.  The administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications plays a key role in the implementation of green and digital transition and renewal. I'm very motivated to take on this challenging job and to work in close cross-government cooperation." Kivimäki says.

Kivimäki was appointed as Permanent Secretary for a fixed period, from 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2026.


Jussi Luomajärvi, Director of Administration, tel. +358 40 827 7676

Requests for interviews with Minna Kivimäki: Susanna Niinivaara, Director of Communications, tel. +358 400 816 187 - decision materials, 22 April 2021
Government image bank: pictures of Minna Kivimäki