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Pekka Voutilainen appointed Ambassador to Doha

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 14.1.2022 12.34
News item

At the presidential session on Friday 14 January, the President of the Republic appointed Counsellor for Foreign Affairs Pekka Voutilainen to serve as Head of the Embassy of Finland in Qatar.

Pekka Voutilainen

Voutilainen will transfer to Doha from the Business-to-Government (B2G) cooperation platform project, which aims to renew the task profile and practices of ambassadors appointed to be in charge of certain thematic entities in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. In 2018–2019, Voutilainen was Head of the Mission of Finland in Ankara. In 2014–2018, he served as the Ambassador of Finland in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and as a non-resident Ambassador to Kuwait, Oman and Yemen. In 2011–2014, he served as Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Finland in New Delhi. In the Diplomatic Service, Voutilainen has held posts in Washington, Strasbourg, Bangkok and Vienna. 

Voutilainen joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1988. He holds a Master of Laws degree with court training. 

Inquiries: Kirsti Pohjankukka, Deputy Director General for Human Resources, tel. +358 29 535 0038. 
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