Prime Minister Alexander Stubb invites party representatives to negotiate further steps in the social welfare and health care reform

Government Communications Department
Publication date 19.2.2015 15.08
Type:Press release 81/2015

Prime Minister Alexander Stubb has invited representatives of parliamentary parties to negotiate further steps in the ongoing social welfare and health care reform.

The Constitutional Law Committee gave its opinion today on the legislative proposal on the reform.

The meeting will be organised today on Thursday at 17.45 in Parliament.

- I wish to thank the Constitutional Law Committee and other Committees, which have given their opinions, for their expert work. It became apparent already in the autumn that further work is necessary to advance this social welfare and health care reform.  This is a historic reform and its constitutional breaches were known. Now the opinion of the Constitutional Law Committee gives clear amendment proposals to the bill. For this reason, it is a matter to be discussed without delay. This evening, we aim to decide on how to proceed with the reform, Prime Minister Stubb says.

- The most important idea in the reform is to ensure good public services to everyone in Finland. This is not only a government reform; it has been prepared by a parliamentary working party. All parties in Parliament are committed to the social welfare and health care reform. This is why it is important to continue the parliamentary work right away, Stubb says.

Inquiries: Joonas Turunen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 40 542 5935, Prime Minister’s Office