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Prime Minister Vanhanen to attend the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Oslo

Government Communications Department
Publication date 4.12.2008 14.43
Press release 385/2008

Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen has been invited to the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony taking place in Oslo on 10 December where President Martti Ahtisaari will receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Stubb, will also attend the ceremony. After Oslo, Prime Minister Vanhanen and Foreign Minister Stubb will travel directly to Brussels to attend the European Council meeting.

Prime Minister Vanhanen will also meet the Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in Oslo. The Prime Ministers will discuss the world economic crisis, climate and energy issues and cooperation of the northern regions.

Further information: Esko Hamilo, State Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office, tel. +358 9 1602 2068

Alexander Stubb Matti Vanhanen