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Reservist salaries will be increased as of May

Ministry of Defence
Publication date 21.4.2023 14.13
Press release

A decision has been made to increase reservist salaries as of 1 May 2023 by a Ministry of Defence decree. In future, rank and file reservists will be paid EUR 65.51 per day, whereas previously it was EUR 63.30. The daily pay of non-commissioned officers will be raised from the previous EUR 66.46 to EUR 68.79 while the pay of officers and special officers will increase from the previous EUR 69.62 to EUR 72.06.

Reservist salaries are based on the task-specific pay component of demand level 5 in the pay system for public officials in the Ministry of Defence, which will be increased as of May. Reservist salaries were last raised on 1 June 2022.

The proposal increases the appropriation requirement and the impact of the increase in reservist salaries will be covered from the Defence Forces' operating expenditure.

Inquiries: Senior Officer for Legal Affairs Joona Lapinlampi, tel. +358 295 140 033.