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Room for Growth project seeks ideas for economic growth through open survey

Government Communications Department
Publication date 28.10.2024 12.07 | Published in English on 28.10.2024 at 12.21
Press release

The Room for Growth project launched by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo has opened an online survey to gather proposals for boosting growth. The survey is open to the public and will be available from 28 October to 24 November. The proposals gathered in the survey will be submitted to the expert group leading the project.

A group of experts has been appointed to head up the Room for Growth project and produce policy recommendations. The Prime Minister has invited Risto Murto, CEO of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, to serve as the group’s chair. The task of the expert group is to gather proposals for boosting growth from a variety of actors in society and to compile the proposals it deems feasible into a final report to be completed by 28 February 2025. The Government will decide on the new growth measures in its mid-term policy review next spring.

The online survey asks respondents to propose concrete measures to boost economic growth in Finland, especially in the business sector. The survey is open to both representatives of organisations and private individuals. The survey and summary of ideas were commissioned by the Prime Minister’s Office and are being carried out by Motiva, a state-owned company specialising in sustainable development. The survey is available in English, Finnish and Swedish.

“We need to find new opportunities for growth. We need ideas and views from a wide range of actors in society, and we invite everyone to get involved in this work. Our goal is to come up with concrete growth measures that can be implemented in practice,” says Risto Murto.

“The Government is ready and willing to implement all reasonable proposals, whether they come from the right, the left or outside politics altogether. Growth is the key to ensuring people’s wellbeing and safeguarding the services of the welfare society,” says Prime Minister Petteri Orpo.

Inquiries: Pekka Sinko, Secretary General of the Economic Council, tel. +358 295 160 189, Saara Tamminen, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 160 895, Prime Minister’s Office; Elli Saari, Expert, tel. +358 50 359 3385, Motiva, [email protected]

The email addresses of the Finnish Government are in the format [email protected].

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