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Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See to visit Finland

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 10.11.2021 9.16
Press release

Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto will meet Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See Paul Gallagher in Helsinki on 12 November.

The Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, Archbishop Gallagher, will visit Finland. In their meeting on 12 November, Haavisto and Gallagher will discuss foreign policy themes, focusing on topical questions related to the Middle East and the Horn of Africa as well as on mediation.

“I consider it important that we engage in dialogue with the Holy See on such issues on the global agenda as climate change and migration. The Holy See is also an important actor in matters related to mediation, for example,” says Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto. 

Secretary for Relations with States Gallagher will also visit Parliament and meet members of the Foreign Affairs Committee.


Otto Turtonen, Special Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, tel. +358 295 350 015, and Markku Lampinen, Director of the Unit for South-Eastern Europe and EU Enlargement, tel. +358 295 350 164

The Foreign Ministry’s email addresses are in the format [email protected].