The Government appointed a new Development Policy Committee for a four-year term
The Government appointed a new Development Policy Committee for 2016–2019 on 12 November. Aila Paloniemi, MP, (Centre Party) was appointed Chairperson of the Committee. The Committee membership represents all the political parties in the Finnish Parliament as well as interest groups and stakeholders that are central from the point of view of development policy.
The Development Policy Committee formulates visions of development policy shared by the parties and stakeholders. It follows and reviews the implementation of Finland´s development policy guidelines and international commitments.
The Committee's mission is to follow the implementation of the global sustainable development agenda in Finland from the development policy perspective and to monitor the implementation of the Government Programme and the Government's development policy guidelines.
It seeks to ensure the effectiveness and continuity of development cooperation. It is to promote decisions that support development in policy sectors influencing the situation in the developing world. It issues statements and commissions reports on the implementation of development policy. The objective is to encourage national and in particular parliamentary discussion on development policy.
The parties were asked to name a full member and a substitute, of whom at least one should be an MP. In the new Development Policy Committee that will assume its functions in January, the number of members representing interest groups and stakeholders is somewhat smaller than in the previous Committee. In determining the membership, attention was paid to the development policy priorities of the Government.
In addition, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will appoint a necessary number of permanent specialists to the Committee. The term of the Committee will begin on 1 January 2016 and end on 31 December 2019.
Membership of the Development Policy Committee:
Centre Party of Finland
Aila Paloniemi, MP (Chairperson)
Substitute: Abdirahim Hussein Mohamed, Youth Work and Social Equality Specialist, Journalist
National Coalition Party
Saara-Sofia Sirén, MP
Substitute: Daniel Lahti, Chair of the Student Union of the National Coalition Party Tuhatkunta
Swedish People's Party
Ida Schauman, Chair of the youth members of the Swedish People's Party
Substitute: Anders Adlercreutz, MP
Social Democratic Party
Susanna Huovinen, MP
Substitute: Janne Ronkainen, Executive Director
Green League
Jani Toivola, MP
Substitute: Outi Alanko-Kahiluoto, MP
Left Alliance
Hanna Sarkkinen, MP
Substitute: 3rd Vice-Chair Kalle Hyötynen
Christian Democrats
Antero Laukkanen, MP
Substitute: Heini Röyskö, MA
The Finns Party
Kari Kulmala, MP
Substitute: Pia Kopra, Personal Assistant to the MP
KEPA, Finnish NGO platform
Timo Lappalainen, Director
Substitute: Niina Mäki, Advocacy and Policy Officer
The Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU Kehys
Rilli Lappalainen, Secretary General
Substitute: Jussi Kanner, Advocacy Officer
Confederation of Finnish Industries EK
Satu Vasamo-Koskinen, Senior Adviser
Substitute: Tuuli Mäkelä, Adviser
The Federation of Finnish Enterprises (FFE)
Timo Palander, Development Director
Substitute: Mika Tuuliainen, Head of Training
The Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (AKAVA), the Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK, and the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK
Aleksi Kuusisto, Adviser for International Affairs at SAK
Substitute: Leila Kurki, Senior Adviser at STTK
Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK)
Seppo Kallio, Director
Substitute: Leena Suojala, Expert
UNIPID (University Partnership Network for International Development)
Jussi Pakkasvirta, Director
Substitute: Katarina Frostell, Project Manager
Foreign Ministry's partnership organisations
Tarmo Heikkilä, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM)
Substitute: Julia Ojanen, Programme Director at Plan Finland
Women and girls priority area (UNWOMEN, UN Association, Family Federation of Finland, Finnish Youth Cooperation – Allianssi)
Elina Multanen, Executive Director, Finland National Committee for UN Women (from 1 Jan. 2016 to 31 Dec. 2017) and
Hilkka Vuorenmaa, Family Federation of Finland (Väestöliitto) (from 1 Jan. 2018 to 31 Dec. 2019)
Substitute: Helena Laukko, Executive Director, UN Association
Additional information: Sari Lehtiranta, Director, Unit for Development Policy, tel. +358 295 352 139 and Juha Kirstilä, Special Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, tel. +358 40 552 8200.