Working group proposes three solutions for reforming Team Finland network

Ministry for Foreign AffairsMinistry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 6.2.2024 13.15
Type:Press release

A working group of public officials from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment examined ways to reform the Team Finland export promotion network. The working group’s report was published on 6 February 2024.

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As outlined in the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government, the management and operations of Team Finland, the export promotion network of public sector bodies, need to be reformed. This will be undertaken in cooperation with business and industry. The reform is based on the Government Programme’s policy outline on strengthening the Foreign Ministry’s role in the public activities to promote exports and internationalisation. This includes a study on incorporating Business Finland’s activities abroad into Finland’s network of diplomatic and consular missions.

In its report, the working group examining the reform concludes that a key shortcoming in Finland's export promotion system is fragmented management, especially the management of the network abroad, which is dispersed across two different organisations.

The report proposes three solutions to simplify and enhance the management and export promotion activities of the Team Finland network.

  1. Reforming the management structure of the Team Finland network in Finland
  2. Reforming the management structure of the Team Finland network in Finland and strengthening the Foreign Ministry's guiding role in the network abroad
  3. Incorporating Business Finland’s activities abroad into the Foreign Service

The report includes a preliminary assessment of the implementation of these solutions, as they will require changes to legislation and management structures. After the publication of the report, the reform of export promotion will move forward to political decision-making. The next steps will be decided by Ministers Ville Tavio and Wille Rydman.


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