Room for Growth project aims to boost economic growth

Since the financial crisis of 2007–2009, economic growth in Finland has been slow. The relative standard of living has fallen compared to our reference countries and the EU average, and GDP has increased only slightly. Slow economic growth is a major reason for the problems facing general government finances. Without economic growth, Finland will have no choice but to continue its significant adjustment measures in the coming years.

To find new ways to boost economic growth, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo launched the Room for Growth project in September 2024. Risto Murto, CEO of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, was appointed to serve as chair of the project’s working group.

The expert working group gathered proposals from a variety of actors and stakeholders in society and compiled the proposals it deems feasible into a final report. The project’s expert working group submitted its final report to Prime Minister Petteri Orpo on 28 February. 

The Government will discuss the proposals at a seminar on 4–5 March and in its mid-term policy review at the end of April.

CEO of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company Murto and Prime Minister Petteri Orpo 28.2.2025.

Proposals for accelerating economic growth and reinventing business

The Room for Growth project’s final report contains 41 proposals for measures related to people, skills and competence, the operating conditions for growth companies, the energy market and the clean, green transition, and the defence industry. The project’s expert group led by Varma CEO Risto Murto submitted its final report to Prime Minister Petteri Orpo on 28 February 2025.

Final Report of the Room for Growth Project (in Finnish)

Contact information

Pekka Sinko, Secretary General of the Economic Council 
Prime Minister's Office, Government Strategy Department, Policy Planning Unit Telephone:0295160189   Email Address:

Saara Tamminen, Chief Specialist 
Prime Minister's Office, Government Strategy Department, Policy Planning Unit Telephone:0295160895   Email Address: