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Yhdysvaltojen markkinoiden mahdollisuudet -kiertue 2019

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 5.4.2019 16.47
Press release

Ulkoministeriö järjestää Team Finland -toimijoiden sekä Yhdysvaltain Suomen-suurlähetystön kanssa nk. road show -kiertueen eri maakunnissa. Kiertueen tavoitteena on vahvistaa Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain kahdenvälisiä kaupallis-taloudellisia suhteita lisäämällä kaupankäyntiä, investointeja sekä innovaatioyhteistyötä.

The Road Show will offer information about the commercial opportunities of the U.S. market. At the center of each event will be the exchange of experiences and concrete tips on what a successful access to the United States’ market requires; what the companies have to take into consideration, and how they are best prepared. Participants will be offered information about Team Finland services as well as other service providers assisting companies in their market access plans.

The Road Show will also celebrate the centenary of the formal relations between Finland and the United States.

“The United States is our most important trade partner outside the EU, and also one of the most popular investment destinations for Finnish companies. I encourage businesses and other actors to seize the commercial and cooperation opportunities provided by the U.S. market, in order to build even stronger relations in the years to come”, says Anne-Mari Virolainen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development.

The Road Show will begin on April 9 with an event in Turku. Other dates will be announced later.

Details of the Turku event are available at Turku Business Region’s web page . The media is welcome to attend and cover the opening remarks.

Information about the tour locations and dates:

  • Turku, 9 April 2019
  • Oulu
  • Lahti
  • Pori
  • Lappeenranta
  • Rovaniemi
  • Kuopio
  • Helsinki

Inquiries: Miia Rantanen, Unit for North America, tel. +358 295 350 056.

The Foreign Ministry's email addresses are of the format [email protected].