Decrees concerning the use of powers under the Emergency Powers Act to Parliament

Government Communications Department
Publication date 17.3.2020 16.36 | Published in English on 17.3.2020 at 18.56
Type:Press release 143/2020

Government, in cooperation with the President of the Republic, has declared a state of emergency in Finland over the coronavirus outbreak. On 16 March 2020, the Government decided on measures to slow down the spreading of coronavirus and to protect risk groups. The decisions will remain in force until 13 April 2020. The measures decided by the Government will be enforced in accordance with the Emergency Powers Act, Communicable Diseases Act and other relevant legislation.

Today, on 17 March, the Government submitted two decrees concerning the use of powers under the Emergency Powers Act to Parliament. The decrees specify the provisions of the Emergency Powers Act that will now become applicable.

Decrees submitted to Parliament

  • Government Decree on the use of powers laid down in sections 86, 88, 93-95 and 109 of the Emergency Powers Act: Section 86 of the Emergency Powers Act lays down provisions on the functioning of healthcare and social welfare units, section 88 on healthcare and social welfare services and health protection, section 93 on derogations from the terms and conditions of employment relationships, section 94 on restricting the right concerning dismissal, section 95 on the obligation to work, and section 109 on the provision or suspension of instruction and education. The decree is to be applied from 18 March 2020 and it will remain in force until 13 April 2020.
  • Government Decree on the immediate use of powers laid down in section 87 of the Emergency Powers Act: According to section 87 of the Emergency Powers Act, the sale of medicines, goods and services used in healthcare services may be restricted in the whole country. The decree enters into force immediately and it will remain in force until 13 April 2020.

The purpose of the Emergency Powers Act is to secure the livelihood of the population and the national economy, to maintain legal order and fundamental and human rights, and to safeguard the territorial integrity and independence of Finland in emergency conditions. The Government declared a state of emergency in Finland on 16 March 2020.

Inquiries: Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary, tel. +358 295 160 300, Prime Minister’s Office