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Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto to EU Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 14.6.2019 13.49
Press release

The EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) will meet in Luxembourg on 17 June. This will be the first time that Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto represent Finland at the meeting. The Council will discuss the EU Global Strategy, the effectiveness of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), and the situation in Sudan.

In connection with the meeting, an informal lunch will be held with Jordan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Safadi

In the discussion on the EU Global Strategy (EUGS), ministers will lay out a joint vision and action plan for the EU’s actions in the world. Since the launch of the Global Strategy, the Foreign Affairs Council has had three years to examine the strategy   Its implementation will have a central impact on the European Union’s role as a promoter and defender of global governance and the rules-based international system. “The EU must step up its activities related to the prevention of conflicts through mediation, for example,” Minister Pekka Haavisto notes.

Finland aims at a strong, united and well-functioning EU with a capacity to respond to global challenges. For the EU to be able to make full use of its international influence, it must have the capacity to act in a united, effective, rapid and credible manner. There has been discussion recently on the need to improve the effectiveness of decision-making in the area of the CFSP, and the matter will on the Foreign Affairs Council’s agenda, too.  

Foreign ministers will also discuss the situation in Sudan, which has deteriorated after the army took control of the country and declared a state of emergency at the end of President Omar al-Bashir 30-year rule.

The situation escalated following the events of 3 June, where dozens of people died and about a hundred were injured when soldiers fired demonstrators. The EU must call for the Sudanese administration to put an end to violence and condemn the use of force against demonstrators. “The main thing is that the EU supports Sudan’s return to civilian government in a smooth and peaceful manner,” Minister Haavisto reminds.

At lunch with the Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, ministers have an opportunity to discuss topical questions in Jordan and the situation in the Middle East more widely. 

Inquiries: Miia Rainne, Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, tel. +358 295 351 421; Matti Nissinen, European Correspondent, tel. +358 295 351 780