National Transport System plan, Transport 12 -plan

LVM029:00/2023 Development

The Transport 12 Plan is a strategic document for a period of 12 years that discusses Finland’s transport system on national level and covering all transport modes. The Plan examines networks, transport services and transport data. It covers both passenger and goods transport.

Project status

Basic information In progress

Project number LVM029:00/2023

Case numbers VN/18780/2023

Set by Ministry of Transport and Communications

Term/schedule 26.6.2023 – 30.4.2025

Date of appointment 26.6.2023

Relation to the Government Programme


Luku 6 Kasvun kaava

Alaluku 6.5 Toimivat asuntomarkkinat ja sujuva liikenne

Contact person
Kaisa Kuukasjärvi, Liikenneneuvos
tel. +358 295 342 030
[email protected]

Contact person
Maria Torttila, Johtava erityisasiantuntija
tel. +358 295 342 237
[email protected]

Goals and results

The objective is to improve the processes and operational methods related to knowledge-based decision making as well as to draw up long-term plans for the transport system.


The Transport 12 Plan is a strategic document for a period of 12 years that discusses Finland’s transport system on national level and covering all transport modes. The Plan examines networks, transport services and transport data. It covers both passenger and goods transport.

Starting points

It is a statutory obligation to update the Plan for each government term.

Additional information