Suurten raidehankkeiden edistäminen
LVM031:00/2019 Development
The ministries implement the Government Programme, draft acts and other statutes, and promote reforms through different kinds of projects, working groups and bodies. Information on all this is available on the Government website.
All ministries' projects are available on the Government website
In December 2020, the Finnish Rail Ltd (Suomi-rata Oy) and the Turku One Hour Train Ltd (Turun Tunnin Juna Oy) were established for the planning of the Finland Railway and the one-hour Helsinki-Turku rail link. The Finnish State’s share in the companies is 51 per cent. The Government decided on 28 October 2021 to authorise the Ministry of Transport and Communications to establish a limited liability company partly owned by the state for the eastern rail line planning.
Project status
Alustava selvitys
1.8.2018 Other
Ministeriö on julkaissut aikaisempia alustavia selvityksiä hankeyhtiöistä. Alustavat selvitykset ovat valmistuneet pääosin vuonna 2018.
Alustava selvitys_2019-02-17_LVM_Turun_juna PDF
Alustava selvitys_Hankeyhtiö - Herkkyysmalli - 25.1.2019 XLSM
Alustava selvitys_Herkkyysmallin liite 10.12.2018 PDF
Alustava selvitys_Hankeyhtiöselvitys - Loppuraporttiluonnos 31.10.2018 PDF
10.9.2019 Other
Suomi-rata Q & A PDF
Finland Railway as a joint project between the state and municipalities - Q&A PDF
Entimmeståget till Åbo – ett samprojekt mellan staten och kommunerna Frågor och svar PDF
Finlandsbanan – ett samprojekt mellan staten och kommunerna PDF
Neuvottelumuistio Turun Tunnin juna 14.2.2020 PDF
Neuvottelumuistio Suomi-rata 14.2.2020 PDF
Delägaravtal Turun tunnin juna PDF
Muistio; Eteneminen suurissa raideliikennehankkeissa PDF
Basic information Completed
Project number LVM031:00/2019
Case numbers LVM/235/01/2019 , VN/7618/2019
Set by Ministry of Transport and Communications
Term/schedule 10.9.2019 – 31.12.2021
Date of appointment 10.9.2019
Relation to the Government Programme
Strategiset kokonaisuudet Dynamic and thriving Finland
Strategiset kokonaisuudet Transport network development
Action Exploring the financing and investment opportunities for major railway projects
Goals and results
The task of the Finnish Rail Ltd (Suomi-rata Oy is to plan the railway infrastructure related to the rail connection between Helsinki and Tampere via Helsinki Airport until the construction is ready to begin. The task of the Turku One Hour Train Ltd (Turun Tunnin Juna Oy) is to plan the railway infrastructure related to the Turku-Helsinki high-speed rail connection until the construction is ready to begin. The task of the project company for the eastern rail link would be to plan the railway infrastructure related to the Lentorata–Porvoo–Kouvola railway line until the line is ready for construction.
In December 2020, the Finnish Rail Ltd (Suomi-rata Oy) and the Turku One Hour Train Ltd (Turun Tunnin Juna Oy) were established for the planning of the Finland Railway and the one-hour Helsinki-Turku rail link. The Finnish State’s share in the companies is 51 per cent. The Government decided on 28 October 2021 to authorise the Ministry of Transport and Communications to establish a limited liability company partly owned by the state for the eastern rail line planning.
Starting points
The Finnish railway sector faces a wide range of pressures for change. For example, increasing environmental awareness, the requirements for sustainable development and the fight against climate change require a holistic change in mobility and logistics. Accessibility of regions and areas is also central to Finland's competitiveness and success. Major rail projects, such as the one-hour Helsinki-Turku rail link, the Finland railway and the Itärata eastern rail link, would connect the regions and would be strategic projects for Finland as a whole.
The project companies set up to promote rail investments would enable more projects to be carried out. This conclusion was reached by both a parliamentary working group assessing transport financing (final report 28.2.2018) and a working group led by by the Ministry of Finance examining the implementation of the infra projects using the company model (final report, 20.12.2018). The Parliamentary Finance Committee also considers the project company model as a possible option, as the planned rail projects are so extensive that their implementation is not easy within the budgetary framework alone, nor can they be implemented solely through user charges and ticket revenues (Committee report VaVM 39/2018 vp — HE 323/2018 vp, HE 324/2018 vp. 2).
Additional information
- PRESS RELEASE 10.09.2019: Negotiations on promoting large-scale rail transport projects launched
- Tiedote 30.09.2019: Suurten raidehankkeiden edistämistä koskevat neuvottelut alkuun lokakuussa
- PRESS RELEASE 15.10.2019: Negotiation groups to promote large-scale rail projects
- PRESS RELEASE 14.02.2020: Central and local government reach agreement on promoting large-scale rail projects
- PRESS RELEASE 20.02.2020: Finland to seek EU funding for the planning of the One-hour Turku-Helsinki Rail Link and Finland Railway
- PRESS RELEASE 03.03.2020: Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy supports large-scale rail projects
- PRESS RELEASE 29.05.2020: Minister Harakka: Discussions on a project company for a new eastern rail connection to be started with cities
- PRESS RELEASE 24.06.2020: Discussions on a project company for eastern rail connection to start
- Tiedote 25.6.2020: Valtioneuvosto hyväksyi Suomi-rata- ja Turun tunnin juna -hankeyhtiöiden perustamisen
- PRESS RELEASE 30.09.2020: Eastern rail link project company negotiations to continue based on Porvoo-Kouvola route
- PRESS RELEASE 09.10.2020: The Ministry of Transport and Communications proposes the continuation of eastern rail link project company negotiations based on the Porvoo-Kouvola route to the Ministerial Committee for Economic Policy
- PRESS RELEASE 08.12.2020: Documents establishing the project companies Finnish Rail and Turku One Hour Train signed, design phase can be started
- PRESS RELEASE 21.01.2021: Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy supports the eastern railway project
- Tiedote 11.02.2021: Neuvottelut itäisen suunnan raidehankkeen edistämiseksi alkamassa
- PRESS RELEASE 11.03.2021: Negotiations to promote the eastern rail link in progress
- PRESS RELEASE 21.05.2021: State and local government negotiators agree to establish a project company to assist planning of the East Railway
- PRESS RELEASE 28.09.2021: Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy in favour of establishing project company for eastern rail link
- PRESS RELEASE 28.10.2021: Government endorses establishment of project company for eastern rail link
When implemented, the project will enable major rail transport projects to proceed.
In December 2020, the Finnish Rail Ltd (Suomi-rata Oy) and the Turku One Hour Train Ltd (Turun Tunnin Juna Oy) were established for the planning of the Finland Railway and the one-hour Helsinki-Turku rail link. The Finnish State’s share in the companies is 51 per cent. During 2021, the companies have been organised and launched their operations. The Government decided on 28 October 2021 to authorise the Ministry of Transport and Communications to establish a limited liability company partly owned by the state for the eastern rail line planning.
Hankkeen toteuttaminen
Suomi-rata kysyntäennuste 19.12.2019 PDF
19.12.2019 Ministry of Transport and Communications
Hankeyhtiöneuvottelut; Suomi-rata 12.12.2019 PDF
13.12.2019 Ministry of Transport and Communications
Suomi-rata - ratayhteyden kehittäminen - tilannekatsaus 28.11.2019 PDF
28.11.2019 Ministry of Transport and Communications
Suurten ratahankkeiden edistäminen- Suomi-rata neuvottelutyöryhmä 14.11.2019 PDF
14.11.2019 Ministry of Transport and Communications
Other documents and memorandums
Esitys Itäsuunta tausta 24.6.2020 PDF
Muistio 3.3.2020; Eteneminen suurissa raidehankkeissa PDF
Turun tunnin juna; osakassopimus liitteineen PDF
Suomi-rata; osakassopimus liitteineen PDF
Suomi-rata Q & A PDF
Finland Railway as a joint project between the state and municipalities - Q&A PDF
One Hour Train to Turku as a joint project of the central government and municipalities - Q&A PDF
Entimmeståget till Åbo – ett samprojekt mellan staten och kommunerna Frågor och svar PDF
Finlandsbanan – ett samprojekt mellan staten och kommunerna PDF
Neuvottelumuistio Turun Tunnin juna 14.2.2020 PDF
Neuvottelumuistio Suomi-rata 14.2.2020 PDF
Delägaravtal Turun tunnin juna PDF
Pääradan vaiheistus 23.1.2020 PPTX
Yleisesittely Turun tunnin juna päivitetty 28.11.2019 PDF
Hankeyhtiöt suurten raideliikenneinvestointien edistäjinä 5.11.2019 PDF
5.11.2019 LVM
Hankeyhtiöneuvotteluiden taustamateriaali 5.11.2019
Muistio; Eteneminen suurissa raideliikennehankkeissa PDF
Alustava selvitys_2019-02-17_LVM_Turun_juna PDF
Alustava selvitys_Hankeyhtiö - Herkkyysmalli - 25.1.2019 XLSM
Alustava selvitys_Herkkyysmallin liite 10.12.2018 PDF
Alustava selvitys_Hankeyhtiöselvitys - Loppuraporttiluonnos 31.10.2018 PDF
Role, Term
Jääskeläinen, Mikko
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Role: Project contact person
29.6. – 31.12.2021
Ronikonmäki, Niko-Matti
Johtava asiantuntija
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Role: Project contact person
10.9.2019 – 28.6.2021
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