Finland’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

UM010:00/2022 Statute drafting

Finland accedes to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) by accepting the North Atlantic Treaty, as amended by accession protocols and depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the United States. The ratification requires that the Government plenary session submits to Parliament a government proposal.

Basic information Completed

Project number UM010:00/2022

Case numbers VN/21891/2022

Set by ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Task class Preparation of a government proposal

Term/schedule 9.8.2022 – 23.3.2023

Date of appointment

Law drafting

Government proposal for Finland’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
  • 1

    Under preparation

    Adopted in the plan for the session period on 31.1.2022
  • 2

    Estimated week of presentation

    Estimated new week of presentation 49/2022
    Original estimated week of presentation 50/2022
  • 3

    Submitted to Parliament

  • 4

    Current stage: Statute adopted

Parliamentary reply EV 327/2022

It is proposed that the Parliament approves the North Atlantic Treaty as amended by the Protocol of Accession of Finland. It is also proposed that the Parliament approves certain other agreements done between the members of the NATO.

Minister in chargeMinister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto

Legislative plan for autumn session 2022

Contact person
Kaija Suvanto, Lainsäädäntöneuvos
tel. +358 295 351 159
[email protected]

Goals and results

The goal is to accept and bring into force the North Atlantic Treaty, as amended by accession protocols, and the Agreement on the status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, National Representatives and International Staff .


Finland accedes to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) by accepting the North Atlantic Treaty, as amended by accession protocols and depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the United States. The ratification requires that the Government plenary session submits to Parliament a government proposal.

Starting points

On 17 May 2022 the President of the Republic of Finland decided, on the proposal of the Government, to notify the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of Finland’s interest in engaging in talks on accession to NATO. In addition, the President appointed delegation for the accession talks. On June 29 NATO member states decided to invite Finland to the accession talks, which were held on July 4 and Finland’s Accession Protocol was signed on July 5. After the signing, Finland became an observer member of NATO and NATO member states began to ratify the Accession Protocol of Finland in accordance with their national procedures.
When all NATO member countries have ratified the Accession Protocol of Finland, the NATO Secretary General invites Finland to accede to the North Atlantic Treaty, as amended by the Accession Protocol. In order to become a NATO member state, Finland must accede to the North Atlantic Treaty, as amended by the Accession Protocol. The ratification requires that the Government plenary session submits to Parliament a government proposal.

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