Government sessions on the budget

The annual process of drawing up the central government budget includes two government sessions on the budget: one in the spring and one in the autumn.

In March–April, the Government holds a session on the Ministry of Finance’s proposal for the General Government Fiscal Plan, which is based on the proposals of individual ministries. The plan includes a decision on spending limits, which sets a cap for most of the central government budget expenditure. In its session, the Government decides on the spending limits for the next four years. The Government’s discussion on the General Government Fiscal Plan is known as the spending limits session.

In August–September, the Government convenes for a session to discuss the draft budget drawn up by the Ministry of Finance. In the discussions, the Government decides on and approves the content of the budget – officially known as the budget proposal – for the coming year. The Government’s autumn discussion on the draft budget is known as the budget session.

After the government budget session, the Ministry of Finance finalises the budget proposal. The finalised proposal is then approved at a government plenary session, after which it is published and submitted to Parliament for consideration. Parliament decides on the use of central government funds and may make amendments to the budget proposal. Parliament holds discussions on the contents of the budget and approves the budget at a plenary session in December.

If necessary, the Government also holds sessions on supplementary budgets.

Budget session 2024.

Budget session 2024

The Government discussed the budget proposal for 2025 in its session on 3 Sep. 2024.

Press release: Long-term economic adjustment continues, focus shifts to growth Press conference | Government video service Photos | Flickr

Ministries’ press releases

Proposal for 2025 Budget submitted to Parliament

23.9.2024 13.55 Press release
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