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Girls Takeover
Aava Murto took over the Prime Minister’s seat and highlighted the impact of technology on gender equality

Government Communications Department
Publication date 7.10.2020 18.43 | Published in English on 8.10.2020 at 11.33
Press release 628

On 7 October, 16-year old Aava Murto took over Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s seat as part the Girls Takeover event organised by Plan International. During the day, Murto took part in the Prime Minister’s duties and highlighted all girls’ right to access technology development around the world. She also discussed online harassment against girls with the people she met during the day.

In addition to Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Murto met Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari, Chancellor of Justice Tuomas Pöysti, and Members of Parliament Hilkka Kemppi, Iiris Suomela, Veronika Honkasalo, Sanni Grahn-Laasonen and Sari Essayah.

In her discussions, Murto emphasised how important it is for girls to be able to use and develop technology across the world, including in developing countries. She urged Finland to promote gender equality in technology both in Finland and abroad.

“Technology gives girls better opportunities for work and livelihood and for the realisation of their rights and needs. Gender equality ambitions will fall short as long as girls are pushed aside from using and developing technology. Girls, too, have a digital future, and that is why girls should have a voice in technology,” says Murto.

One of the topics of the day’s meetings was a recent Plan report on girls’ and young women’s experiences of online harassment in Finland.
“Online violence limits girls’ freedom of expression and their access to information. Three out of four girls and women have experienced violence online. Girls and women are 27 times more likely to encounter online harassment than boys and men,” says Murto.

This is the fourth Girls Takeover event in Finland, and this time the focus was on institutions and companies that are in a position to promote gender equality in technology. 

Sunday 11 October marks the UN’s International Day of the Girl.

Inquiries: Iida Vallin, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, tel. +358 50 501 5516; Laura Kotila, Communications Specialist, tel. +358 50 470 6965, Prime Minister's Office

Sanna Marin