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Minister Tuppurainen to visit Tallinn

Government Communications Department
Publication date 28.2.2023 14.01
Press release
Photo: Phil Behan

Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering Tytti Tuppurainen will travel to Tallinn on Wednesday 1 March. During her visit, she will meet with Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu and Minister of the Interior Lauri Läänemets.

Topics on the agenda for Minister Tuppurainen’s meeting with Foreign Minister Reinsalu include the security policy situation and support for Ukraine in countering Russia’s attack, securing access to energy, the rule of law, and developing the EU single market.

Minister Tuppurainen’s meeting with Minister of the Interior Läänemets will focus on continuing work related to sanctions against Russia and migration issues, such as cooperation between Finland and Estonia in helping Ukrainian refugees.

Inquiries: Emilia Tervonen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 50 516 1035, Prime Minister’s Office