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Preparation of Finland’s digital compass continues in close cooperation with stakeholders

Ministry of Economic Affairs and EmploymentMinistry of FinanceMinistry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 14.12.2021 11.40 | Published in English on 16.12.2021 at 12.20
Press release
Text: Developing the Digital Transformation, the Data Economy and Public Administration

Finland is preparing a national digital compass during spring 2022. The objective is to formulate a shared national vision and targets for digital transformation and the data economy for 2030. In its second meeting on 14 December 2021, the Ministerial Working Group on Developing the Digital Transformation, the Data Economy and Public Administration outlined the content themes that guide the preparation of the digital compass. The ministers also heard a review of technology policy and the future of local government policy.

The EU’s Digital Compass revolves around four cardinal points: skills, secure and sustainable digital infrastructures, the digital transformation of businesses, and the digitalisation of public services. In Finland’s digital compass, the national level of ambition is set in relation to the objectives presented by the EU. In addition, complementary national targets and indicators will be drawn up for these four areas, and a uniform digital vision will be created. Finland aims to be the first country to create a national strategic digital compass in the EU.

Sustainability and trust are crosscutting themes

In addition to the Commission’s proposals, the objectives of the different areas of the digital compass make use of Finland’s existing ambitious objectives. The compass will be prepared in cooperation with stakeholders.

“We want to encourage as many parties as possible to outline the future of digital Finland and data Finland. When there is a common vision for the future, more and more people are able to produce practical implementations,” says Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications and Chair of the Ministerial Working Group on Digitalisation and Data Economy.

“The digitalisation of public services will make services more accessible to citizens. Based on various indicators, Finland is at the forefront of development. To ensure that this trend continues, we need clear objectives and determined measures to go forward. I am delighted to note that the digital compass work is well under way,” says Minister of Local Government Sirpa Paatero.

In preparing the digital compass for Finland, special attention will be paid to social, economic and ecological sustainability, trust, the digital green transition, fair and responsible utilisation of data, and digital inclusion and equality. These perspectives are examined as crosscutting themes in all areas of the compass. In addition, compass work will define certain key digital experiments and projects on which particular emphasis will be placed.

Reports on technology and local government policy

The ministerial group was given an overview of the drafting of Finland’s technology policy. The Technology Advisory Board that was appointed by the Ministry of Finance published a report in June 2021 on the goals of the technology policy. Based on this, the secretariat of the Advisory Board has prepared a Government resolution which will be circulated for comments in January–February 2022.

The ministerial group was also given an overview of the future of local government policy. Alternative ways to advance political decision-making have been prepared under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance to ensure well-functioning municipal autonomy and services for residents and to secure sustainable financing for municipalities. A report is scheduled to be published on this work in early February.

What’s next?

The coordination group for digitalisation leads the creation of a digital compass for Finland and the work on the formulation of the digital compass will continue in cooperation with stakeholders. Stakeholder events on the different aspects of the compass will be held in January-February 2022. The theme of the first event on 26 January 2022 is digital infrastructure, the 28 January event will focus on public administration, the 31 January on skills and the 1 February on companies. Preparatory work is scheduled to be completed in March 2022. The coordination group for digitalisation can be contacted at [email protected].


Laura Eiro, Director General, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. + 358 400 969 293
​​​​​​​Mika Nordman, Director of Digital Services, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. + 358 295 047 142
​​​​​​​Jarkko Levasma, Government Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 295 530 117