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Press release by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Regional COVID-19 situation improving in Finland — proportion of infections contracted abroad increasing

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 24.6.2021 10.00 | Published in English on 24.6.2021 at 13.39
Press release 186/2021

The weekly number of COVID-19 cases in Finland is now down to about one third of what was reported in the first week of May. Last week (14–20 June), however, the downward trend in the number of cases slowed down. A total of 514 new cases were reported to the communicable diseases register, showing a decrease of about 40 cases from the previous week.

Around 27 per cent of the new cases were reported among people already in quarantine. The percentage of cases where the virus was contracted abroad grew. These cases accounted for 33 per cent of all new cases, while in the previous week, they accounted for 19 per cent of the cases.

The incidence of new cases over the last two weeks (7–20 June) was 19 per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 29 in the preceding two-week period. 

Over the past month, the COVID-19 situation has improved considerably in the majority of the areas. In fact, most areas are recording only a small number of new cases, if any. Currently, only the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa is in the acceleration phase of the epidemic. The other hospital districts are mainly at a stable level, with only a few municipalities in the acceleration phase.

The estimated effective basic reproduction number is still below one, 0.55–0.75, with a 90 per cent probability.

Number of patients in hospital care continues to fall

Based on the information provided by the hospital districts, a total of 33 people were receiving hospital care due to the COVID-19 disease on 23 June 2021. Of them, 4 were inpatients in primary healthcare, 24 inpatients in specialised healthcare and 5 inpatients in intensive care.  

According to the forecasts, the number of periods in specialised healthcare and intensive care in Finland continues to fall over the next week.

On 23 June 2021, the total number of deaths related to the disease was 969.

Get tested, even with mild symptoms, and vaccinated when it is your turn

The number of conducted COVID-19 tests is decreasing slightly. Between 14 and 20 June, about 90,000 tests were taken, which is around 6,000 tests fewer than the week before. The proportion of positive tests was 0.6 per cent, which is about the same as in the preceding weeks.

Testing is still recommended for anyone with even the mildest symptoms. It is equally important to continue to follow the recommendations in place in order to prevent infections. 

It is also worth getting vaccinated when it is your turn. The vaccine provides good protection against COVID-19 and its more serious forms as well as COVID-19 variants. In Finland, about 56 per cent of the population have received at least their first vaccine dose and 16 per cent their second dose. 

Development of epidemic also monitored in summertime

The epidemiological situation will be monitored throughout the summer. A report on the epidemic is published on Thursdays at 10.00. 

The monitoring report on the epidemic published today and the previous reports are available on the website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. 


Otto Helve, Chief Physician, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, [email protected] (development of the epidemic)
Simopekka Vänskä, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, [email protected] (projection models)
Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki, Strategic Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, [email protected] (situational picture and modelling group)
Pasi Pohjola, Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, [email protected] (situational picture and modelling group)
Mia Kontio, Chief Specialist, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, [email protected] (vaccinations)