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New Decree on Assistance for Voluntary Return to enter into force at the beginning of 2024

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 21.12.2023 14.25 | Published in English on 21.12.2023 at 16.13
Press release

The Ministry of the Interior has issued a new Decree on Assistance for Voluntary Return, which will enter into force on 1 January 2024. The decree's provision on staggering the assistance is part of the set of measures related to voluntary return and departure outlined in the Government Programme.

Replacing the previous decree, which will expire at the end of 2023, the new decree will implement the Government Programme objective of staggering the assistance for voluntary return to encourage people to leave the country as quickly as possible and refrain from requesting a review of their asylum decision. The decree will also harmonise the level of assistance with Finland's reference countries. 

Under the new decree, the assistance for voluntary return will be EUR 5,300 if the asylum seeker applies for the assistance within 30 days of the notification of the first negative asylum decision or the withdrawal of the application. If the application for the assistance is submitted after 30 days, the amount will be reduced to EUR 2,000. The applicant may only receive the higher amount once. 

The new decree will simplify the system of assistance for voluntary return. The annex to the previous decree set out four groups of countries according to which assistance was granted. The new decree will abolish these groups so that everyone receives the same assistance regardless of their country. 

Assistance facilitates long-term return to country of origin 

Assistance for voluntary return may be financial assistance granted to cover the costs of the return journey and reintegration into the home country or in-kind assistance. In-kind assistance means various items or services helping the person to access education or training or to start a small business, for example. 

The Finnish Immigration Service defines financial and in-kind assistance in more detail. As a rule, Finland will provide in-kind assistance. The new decree will also improve the effectiveness of return counselling provided by the immigration authorities and intensify cooperation between the authorities to promote return.  The applicant's decision to return to their country of origin must be a sustainable solution.

Assistance for voluntary return is governed by the provisions of the Act on the Reception of Persons Applying for International Protection and on the Identification of and Assistance to Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings. Finland may give assistance to applicants who receive a negative decision or withdraw their application for international protection. In addition, assistance may be given to victims of human trafficking who are not resident in Finland and to people who have been issued with a temporary residence permit because they are prevented from leaving the country. Then the amount assistance is EUR 3,000 without staggering. 

Assistance is not given for moving to another EU or Schengen country or a country whose citizens are not required to have a visa to Finland. 


Jutta Gras, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 50 318 1748, [email protected]