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Advisers to the Minister of the Interior appointed: Olli-Poika Parviainen will be State Secretary

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 19.6.2019 15.59 | Published in English on 20.6.2019 at 12.08
Press release 47/2019
Olli-Poika Parviainen

The State Secretary and Special Advisers to the Minister of the Interior Maria Ohisalo have been appointed. The State Secretary to the Minister will be Olli-Poika Parviainen. He holds a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Culture and Arts degrees.

Previously, Parviainen has served as Member of Parliament and Deputy Mayor of the City of Tampere. He has also worked as entrepreneur.

Special Advisers to the Minister of the Interior will be Ville Hulkkonen, Bachelor of Social Sciences; Sami Kerman, Master of Science (Technology); Taru Anttonen, Master of Social Sciences; Emilia Laaksonen, Master of Laws; and Jussi Pyykkönen, Master of Social Sciences.

Sami Kerman, Emilia Laaksonen and Taru Anttonen will assist Minister Ohisalo in matters related to the Ministry's branch of government. Kerman will be responsible for monitoring matters of the rescue services, police and Border Guard, and Laaksonen for matters of migration. Anttonen will assist the Minister in general policy matters and media relations.

Before the appointment, Kerman worked in the Finnish Association of Fire Chiefs, Laaksonen as Senior Officer for Legislative Affairs of the Greens in Finland and Taru Anttonen in the think tank Visio.

Ville Hulkkonen acts as the secretary of the ministerial group of the Greens. He worked previously for OP Financial Group. Jussi Pyykkönen acts as special adviser of the ministerial group of the Greens in economic policy. Before the current appointment, he was employed by PTCServices Ltd.


Ville Hulkkonen, Secretary of the ministerial group of the Greens, tel. + 358 44 077 7226