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Ministers from digitally advanced EU countries to discuss digital and green transition in Luxembourg

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 26.10.2021 10.32
Press release

Ministers from digitally advanced EU countries will meet in Luxembourg to discuss how digital technologies can contribute to the green transition and the achievement of the Paris climate objectives.

The ministerial meeting of the D9+ countries, i.e. digitally advanced EU countries, will be held in Luxembourg on 27 October 2021. Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel will chair the meeting. State Secretary Jukka Ihanus will represent Finland on behalf of Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä. In addition to the nine countries belonging to the D9+ group, Lithuania and Slovenia, which currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, have been invited to the meeting.

The debate on the digital green transition is timely in the entire EU, with the ministers’ discussion taking place just days before the UN’s COP26 climate change conference. Thomas Kallstenius, Chief Executive Officer at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, will present a digital twin project that focuses on Luxembourg’s national energy sector. In addition, a representative of the European Commission will introduce the EU’s Green Deal proposal. 

The group’s meeting in January was chaired by Lintilä, who emphasised artificial intelligence, quantum technology and future connectivity as key areas in the European Commission’s roadmap for the digital decade.

D9+ countries focus on digitalisation 

D9+ is a ministerial group of digitally advanced EU countries that aims to promote the implementation and use of digitalisation and the sharing of its best practices. The group includes the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic and Estonia. 

All of the countries rank high in the Commission’s DESI index, which measures digital capacity and its development among the EU member states. DESI monitors digitalisation in the EU countries in five areas: connectivity, human capital (including digital skills), use of internet services by citizens, integration of digital technology by businesses, and digital public services. 


Nina Alatalo, Adviser to the Minister of Economic Affairs (EU and International Affairs), tel. +358 29 504 7171
Tiina Heiskanen, Ministerial Adviser, Minister of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 4923 Leila Kylliäinen, Coordinator, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7337