Prime Minister’s seminar seeks solutions and concrete action to mitigate climate change

Faster and greater climate action is needed throughout the globe to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Altogether 150 actors from different sectors of society will be discussing climate action in Finland on 10 December in a seminar convened by Prime Minister Juha Sipilä.
“Finland is in a good position to grow into a climate actor that is bigger than the size of the nation itself. Our research and development work produces world-class solutions for the benefit of future generations. Leading experts will talk in the seminar and the focus is on concrete action. The seminar paves the way for my initiative to find a common understanding across political divides,” says Sipilä.
The seminar, entitled Finnish climate action - more and faster, will have a keynote speech by academician Markku Kulmala from the University of Helsinki. His topic is on a comprehensive international mechanism to identify carbon sinks and other changing climate responses. The discussion will be followed by a topic on the scaling of solutions by Mari Pantsar, Director of the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra). She will present existing technological solutions and how they impact climate change mitigation.
The Commitment 2050 service of Prime Minister's Office designed for citizens will be launched at the event. Anyone and everyone can use the service to make a personal plan and pledge to cut their own carbon footprint by half. The service is based on a lifestyle test designed by Sitra. The service will be described by Anu Mänty, Chief Specialist at the Prime Minister's Office.
Mika Anttonen, Chair of the Board of Directors of St1, will talk about the effectiveness of climate action and how it can be scaled up. A carbon neutral Finland or EU is not enough, and climate change needs to be mitigated on a global scale. Risto Murto, CEO of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, will complete the speeches by the experts with a topic on investment and climate change.
Group discussions will also be held on climate action. Group moderators: Pertti Korhonen, Chair of the Board of Directors of Business Finland, Saara Vauramo, Environmental Director of the City of Lahti, and Mika Leskinen, Head of Responsible Investment at S-Pankki.
The seminar will be presented by Päivi Anttikoski, Director of Government Communications.
Seminar programme (in Finnish)
Live webcast of the seminar at and in social media with hashtag #ilmastotekoja #ilmastonmuutos.
Inquiries: Susanna Perko, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 50 570 7591 and Kari Jääskeläinen, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, tel. +358 295 160 544, Prime Minister's Office