Prime Minister Marin meets with Swedish Prime Minister in Stockholm

Government Communications Department
Publication date 13.4.2022 17.12
Type:Press release 249/2022
Prime Ministers Marin and Andersson walking out side

Prime Minister Sanna Marin met with Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson in Stockholm on Wednesday 13 April. The prime ministers discussed how to strengthen the security of Finland and Sweden in the changed security environment. The security situation in Europe has changed fundamentally following Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

In their discussions, the prime ministers highlighted the fact that Finland and Sweden share the same security environment and that the countries’ security solutions affect one another. Both Finland and Sweden are now working to ensure the security of their citizens over the short and long term. 

Prime Minister Marin told Prime Minister Andersson about the report on changes in the current security environment, which the Finnish Government submitted to Parliament on the day of the visit.  The report includes an assessment of how Finland can strengthen its national defence capability and develop international defence cooperation with its partners, the closest of which is Sweden. The report also assesses the effects of possible NATO membership.
“Parliament must assess what kind of security Finland’s potential NATO membership would offer. We must be very open to all of the consequences and risks involved. There are risks over both the short and long term. There are risks if we apply for membership and if we do not,” Prime Minister Marin said.   

In their meeting, the prime ministers also assessed the prospects for exerting influence on Russia through national and EU-level measures, the most important of which are the sanctions imposed by the EU on Russia. Finland and Sweden are supporting Ukraine and the Ukrainians in their fight in many ways, including by supplying weapons to the Ukrainian army. The EU is currently considering stepping up its support, including through military assistance. 
Inquiries: Jari Luoto, State Under-Secretary for European Affairs, tel. +358 50 468 5949, Lauri Voionmaa, Special Adviser (International Affairs), tel. +358 50 421 0422, and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Prime Minister’s Office.