Government confirms national objectives for healthcare and social welfare

At its plenary session on 1 December 2022, the Government confirmed the national objectives for organising healthcare and social welfare for the years 2023–2026. The objectives are strategic in nature and apply to healthcare and social welfare activities throughout Finland. The objectives form an essential part of the national guidance and direction of healthcare and social welfare, and they support the current needs to reform and further develop services.
The national objectives for healthcare and social welfare are the first objectives under the Act on Organising Healthcare and Social Welfare Services. The Government confirms the objectives every four years. The preparation of the objectives is based on monitoring information regarding the population’s health and wellbeing and the activities and finances of healthcare and social welfare.
Objectives concerning equal services, cooperation and preparedness in counties
Under the Act on Organising Healthcare and Social Welfare Services, the national objectives include objectives for promoting the equal provision of healthcare and social welfare services and the integration of services, furthering cooperation between the wellbeing services counties, developing information management in healthcare and social welfare and implementing regional and national preparedness and contingency planning.
There are a total of 11 national objectives for healthcare and social welfare, and they are grouped under four overall principles. These principles are as follows: the quality of services will improve; the effectiveness of activities will increase; healthcare and social welfare will be an effective part of society; and the significance of information and research will increase. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health prepared the objectives. The wellbeing services counties and other ministries were consulted during the preparation process.
The national objectives for healthcare and social welfare will take effect on 1 January 2023. The achievement of the objectives will be monitored and assessed annually, for example, in the negotiations between the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the wellbeing services counties.
Kari Hakari, Director General, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Laura Honkonen, Specialist, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
[email protected]